Bruxism is classifed as a sleep disorder and doctors don't understand the cause. They feel it may be physical or psychological. Anxiety, stress or tension may play a part in the grinding, as well as suppressed anger or frustration. Many bruxers have an aggressive, competitive , hyperactive personality, which may be a cause. The abnormal alignment of teeth, upper and lower and a change in sleep cycles, are all factors that can increase the risk of bruxism. There can sometimes be rare side effects from psychiatric medicines or anti-depressants, so it is very important to find out how to eliminate bruxism.
Unconsciously grinding during the day or night can be severe enough that it can lead to jaw disorders, headaches and damaged teeth. Bruxers must know the signs and symptoms in order to learn how to eliminate bruxism effectively. Sometimes the grinding or clenching can be loud enough that it wakens you. If your teeth have worn down, becoming flattened, fractured or chipped, damage has begun it's ugly course. Be aware of worn tooth enamel exposing a layer of tooth and causing sensitivity. If you are experiencing painful headaches in the morning, jaw pain, earaches, and chronic facial pain, then, these too can be symptoms. Learning how to eliminate bruxism is a priority if your life has been disrupted to the point of misery. It is attainable.
Bruxism during sleep causes many health problems. Serious damage may occur from forceful contact between upper and lower teeth. Jaw clenching may cause joint disorder and teeth damage. Treatment is available to reduce and even eliminate bruxism. But do not be fooled by the recommendations that you read most often about, because they just don't work.
Usually mouth guards and splints will be the first recommendation for bruxism, but this is not a cure. These devices are worn every night on a long term basis. A mouth guard can be expensive, and monitoring is essential. A repositioning splint may be advised to change the bite of the bruxer, but trials generally show no benefit. These splints should be avoided. There is debate that complications from the long term use of mouth guards and splints can be irreversible. Other treatments include occlusive devices (some no longer available) that monitor electric activity of the jaw, forcing breathing through the mouth. Botox is another response to bruxism, but complications from prolonged use can lead to permanent damage to the jaw muscle. If you area bruxer, you can find a successful treatment to eliminate bruxism effectively.
Learn how to stop grinding and gnashing at night and eliminate bruxism. Discover how to change your behavior and practice the proper methods to end the grinding. Complications from damaged teeth and the joint disorder pain will be gone. You need not suffer from the side effects of psychiatric medicine or anti-depressants. Simple techniques will help you control the tendency to clench and grind. You can start living a normal life again.
Have you been asking "What is bruxism and how can you know it's causes and symptoms?" It is commonly known as the grinding and gnashing of your teeth. If you feel this is a problem that you may have, then learn how to eliminate bruxism and end the sleeplessness and pain you have been suffering
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